Edinburgh, United Kingdom – November 2025
British Trauma Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting 2025
We look forward to inviting you to Edinburgh for this year’s ASM! We are currently finalising the details of location and dates, but will soon be opening abstract submissions to new entries – watch this space!

BTS SEST Course in action!
Who we are
The British Trauma Society was founded in 1989 to bring together everyone involved in the care of the injured from roadside to rehabilitation. Today we are going strong as the oldest multi-disciplinary trauma focussed Charitable Society in the UK and are glad to say that we represent a diverse, multi-disciplinary spectrum, including medical and allied healthcare professionals.
Through this fusion of breadth of expertise in our membership, we are able to encourage and provide an exciting platform for dissemination of scientific discovery and innovation in trauma, educate, and stimulate discussion and reflection on issues of the day. To this end, we hold an Annual Scientific Meeting, with regular educational events interspersed throughout the year.

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Annual Scientific Meeting
2024 saw our Annual Scientific Meeting at the Engineers’ House, Bristol.
We had stellar keynote speakers, and was another excellent event. Following the massive success of the Dinner and Social the previous year, we held another, which was a great chance to socialise and network in a relaxed atmosphere with wonderful entertainment.
We once again held the SEST (Surgical and Emergency Skills in Trauma) Course, with world-renowned faculty under the leadership of Prof Ian Pallister. Watch out for spaces this year – tickets will be on sale soon, and we recommend that you purchase these quickly as the course is usually over-subscribed.
As always, we welcome work from anybody working with Trauma, from ‘Roadside to Rehab’, and especially love to see work from students and paramedical colleagues represented. Please submit any relevant work, from audits and review articles, to original research and multi centre studies, in any field of trauma, whether it be from medical/surgical, or allied healthcare professionals.
We look forward to reviewing your abstracts, and seeing you at our meeting! The link below will work again once we make the new abstract submisison form live.

BTS Annual Scientific Meeting Video

New British Trauma Society Membership only £20!
Take advantage of our huge new member discount and pay £20 for the first year
Upcoming Events
Look out for our upcoming events. Each year we hold our Annual Scientific Meeting, as well as the SEST Course (Surgical and Emergency Skills in Trauma) – which equips you with the medical and surgical skills needed to manage patients in a mass casualty trauma scenario, as well as offering insights into crisis management and disaster planning. We also offer various other educational events, and actively promote other partner society educational events also through our website.
If you wish to advertise your event through out site, please fill out the form and upload a flyer on the events page for review.
Why Join Us?
The last few years have seen an exciting new direction for BTS: given the unique nature of our society, we are perfectly placed to bring together experts in a myriad of fields – allowing us to formulate high-level guidelines for specialty-specific areas of trauma, easily accessible to those on the ground when they need it most. As a linked society to European Society of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ESTES), we are also increasingly collaborating with our European partners to develop these avenues further, which is an exciting prospect!
By joining BTS, you will be part of something stimulating, meaningful and influential. We welcome everyone – Together we’re stronger…Be part of improving what we do today, and shaping how we do things tomorrow – join BTS now!
Interactive Education Resources
We have managed to build an excellent set of resources for members via the ‘members only’ educational area, and also encourage input from any members who would like to produce more for the community
Discounted Conference Rates
As well as the plethora of educational material via the website, there are massive discounts for our COURSES and ASM for members, via an exclusive Members Only Package Deal, as well as significantly reduced entry to the ASM itself.
Vote and have your say
Members are encouraged to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) which takes place at our Annual Scientific Meeting. This is also where the committee is chosen each year moving forwards … come and get involved!
Eligibility to apply for Grants
We are fortunate to offer small grants to assist with exceptional research promoting care of the injured .
Join the Executive Committee
Being a member provides the perfect opportunity to join our Exec or Sub-committee and help shape the future of trauma care in the UK!
Networking Opportunities
Our academic and social events allow excellent networking opportunities to interact with a diverse set of experts and leaders from across the world working in trauma. Want to spread your wings and explore new horizons? The time is now!

Do you have something interesting to promote?
We support and promote relevant announcements, research and events. If you would like to arrange a joint event or see your article appear on our website, please contact us to consider your request.