Meet our executive team
The Exec is made up of doctors with a variety of experience in trauma from across the UK
Our current executives
The Exec is made up of doctors with a variety of experience in trauma from across the UK
Dr Sarafina Vatharkar
Immediate Past-President
Mr Ansar Mahmood
Director of Education
Professor Ian Pallister
Past President
Mr Stuart Matthews
Mr Amratlal D Patel
Deputy Director of Education
Ms Justine (JJ) Lee
Scientific Officer and President Emeritus
Professor Peter Giannoudis
Web Officer Lead, Advisor to Comms team
Mr Paul Andrzejowski
Mr Rory Bonner
Membership Secretary and Student Liaison
Dr Jamie Large
Dr Sarafina Vatharkar
I am an Emergency Medicine Consultant at University Hospitals Birmingham. I have always been passionate about the care of the injured patient, within the trust I also work as a Major Trauma coordinating consultant, and am actively involved in trauma-related research. I feel privileged being part of the British Trauma Society.
Immediate Past-President
Mr Ansar Mahmood
I am a Consultant in Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery and the Major Trauma Service at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham (QEHB), part of University Hospitals Birmingham, which is the largest trust in the UK. QEHB is the regional Major Trauma Centre for the City of Birmingham and one of the highest volume major trauma receiving units in the UK. We are currently also home to the largest hip fragility fracture unit in Europe. I am the research lead for major trauma at UHB and a Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at University of Birmingham.
I have been a proud member of the British Trauma Society since 2003 and wish to see it continue to thrive and grow as an inclusive multi-disciplinary society associated with all those interested in Trauma at any level from student through to senior clinician/manager that is looking after injured patients.
Director of Education
Professor Ian Pallister
Ian’s interest in trauma surgery began as a medical student in Thailand in 1987. This was consolidated working at the Birmingham Accident Hospital. After Trauma Surgery Fellowships in Denver and Oxford, and completion of an MD researching the inflammatory response to major trauma, he started work in Swansea, initially as Senior Lecturer, becoming Professor in 2012.
After setting up the MSc Trauma Surgery Programme, Ian developed increasing cooperative links to the UK Defence Medical Services, including development of more complex trauma simulation models. His clinical work focuses on major trauma, pelvic and acetabular fractures, and Ortho-Plastic reconstruction of complex limb injuries. Recovery from these injuries and major trauma remain his main research interests. Ian is also heavily involved in education, helped establish the Damage Control Orthopaedic Trauma Surgery Course and is President of AOUK&I.
Past President
Mr Stuart Matthews
Highly and widely experienced Trauma Surgeon and Educator used to working in austere as well as in cutting edge environments with French as a Mother Tongue and medicolegal expert for Personal Injury since 1989 and Clinical Negligence since 1994. Stuart’s medical interests include the management of multisystem trauma and complex fractures.
Mr Amratlal D Patel
I have had a life-long interest in trauma ever since my first DHS in Sheffield in 1979. My training was on the South-west rotational training scheme based in London and Surrey followed by one year on a trauma fellowship at Sunnybrook Medical Centre, Toronto with Dr Schatzker, learning about multiply injured patients and pelvic and acetabular surgery. I also learnt about the shoulder at Royal National Orthopaedic hospital in Stanmore. I have retired from clinical work. I am now Orthopaedic lead for Norwich Medical school.
I have been a member of British trauma Society (BTS) since its formation in 1988 and served as a president recently. I am now a trustee of BTS and remain involved with the running of the society.
I am very keen to encourage young surgeons to take up trauma, and although demanding it is very rewarding.
Deputy Director of Education
Ms Justine (JJ) Lee
Major Trauma Specialist Doctor at Queen Elizabeth Hospital NHS Trust
Scientific Officer and President Emeritus
Professor Peter Giannoudis
I work as the Professor (School of Medicine, University of Leeds) and Honorary Consultant at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI), a major teaching hospital serving a population in the region of 3.5 million. It is a major trauma unit, accepting complex trauma through it’s busy Accident and Emergency Department and from other hospitals in the region. I have successfully completed an AO Trauma Fellowship in Hannover, Germany and a Trauma Fellowship at Louisville, Kentucky USA.
Web Officer Lead, Advisor to Comms team
Mr Paul Andrzejowski
One of the reasons I became a doctor was to work one day in Trauma. It’s what I get up for in the morning and I always look forward to another day at the coal face!
I got my first taste of Major Trauma as a student in Nottingham and FY in the East Midlands, thence to Yorkshire for Core and Higher Specialty Registrar training in Trauma and Orthopaedics on the HEYH Deanery rotation. I’ve been fortunate to learn my trade from some excellent trainers around the region in acute and elective surgery, with Major Trauma experience at the MTC in Leeds – where I am the Principal Investigator of the FIT Study as part of my MD research project supervised by CI Prof Peter Giannoudis, looking into Functional outcomes In ‘Major’ Trauma – which should help to deepen our insight into what’s most important for patient recovery following serious injury. It was an honour to deliver the initial results of this and my review paper on the subject as a Keynote Speech at the 2023 ASM. Other academic output includes notably an update on the ‘Diamond Concept’ of bone healing, and specialist management of non-union in fracture healing, amongst other papers, presentations and book chapters.
Working to organise and publicise BTS national meetings and events, from web and email design to handling abstract submission, grading and invitations, to the ASM itself and much more for the past few years has been both enthralling and rewarding in equal measure which I have learnt a lot from and very much enjoyed, especially alongside such a fantastic team!
It is an exciting privilege to help expand BTS and bring in people from all clinical backgrounds as part of increasing our reach with the new website and the comms team as well. If anyone has any suggestions or would like to get involved I’d be very glad to hear more!
Mr Rory Bonner
I am currently completing Core Surgical Training in West Yorkshire with interests in Plastic Surgery and Orthopaedics. I completed a Trauma Surgery elective in Australia and enjoyed my time working as a Foundation Doctor at the major trauma centre in Leeds. I value my experiences in Medical Education and strive to encourage students to get involved in trauma care and academia. Any students or Universities who want to find out more about the British Trauma Society should contact me without hesitance. Since joining the committee I have stepped into the role of treasurer and look forward to this new challenge.
Membership Secretary and Student Liaison
Dr Jamie Large
I’ve recently graduated from the University of Birmingham and have now started Foundation Training in South West London. As a medical student, it seemed early on that trauma would be the most exciting area of surgery and medicine to me. As a student, my first exposure to the specialty came from undergraduate conferences and trauma courses. My interest in trauma then led me to undertake an elective in Major Trauma and complete my intercalation in Trauma Science. Being fortunate enough to gain some experience of trauma as a medical student, I’m keen to further improve access to academic and clinical trauma teaching for undergraduates. I’m looking forward to working as the Membership Secretary combined with Student Liaison Officer, where I hope to increase participation amongst healthcare students as well as growing the general member-base of the society. Any colleagues from medical and allied healthcare professionals, or students who’d like to hear more about BTS and get involved with trauma please do contact me.
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