New BTS Membership only £20

Take advantage of our huge new member discount and pay £20 for the first year

Become a member

The past few years have been difficult for all of us. We feel that there has never been a more important time to forge stronger links with others involved in the care of the injured – so new membership costs have been slashed. Come and enjoy all the benefits of membership and an invigorated British Trauma Society for just £20! We have worked hard to deliver members a lot of virtual content (watch this space!) and including footage the Live ‘Face-to-Face’ 2022 ASM in Oxford. As a member you will also save money on your 2023 ASM entrance. We would love you to be part of our journey – and help improve Trauma care as we go!

Consultant or equivalent (UK)
1 Year for £20 then £125 / Year
A medical practitioner that has completed their training e.g. GP or on Specialist Register
Non-Consultant and AHP
1 Year for £20 then £85 / Year
Includes trainees, non-trainees and Allied Health Professionals
1 Year for £20 then £45 / Year
Includes Medical / Nursing / Physio and PAM
Consultant or equivalent (UK)
1 Year for £20 then £12 / Month
A medical practitioner that has completed their training e.g. GP or on Specialist Register
Non-Consultant and AHP
1 Year for £20 then £8 / Month
Includes trainees, non-trainees and Allied Health Professionals
1 Year for £20 then £4 / Month
Includes Medical / Nursing / Physio and PAM

BTS Membership Cancellation Policy 

  1. Once signed up to the British Trauma Society, subsequent membership will automatically be debited from the account details provided on an annual basis.
  2. You may cancel you direct debit and membership at any time by emailing us ( or through your bank directly.
  3. Cancellation requests after monies have been paid must be via email and will be processed in full minus a £25 administration charge in order process the refund. This £25 fee is to account for the processing fee through our payment provider as well as the time taken to process the refund.
  4. When requesting a refund via email, please provide you name, sort code, and account number for the bank account you wish the refund to be issued to.

Our membership team will be more than happy to assist you with any of your queries relating to the above

Why Join Us?

The last few years have seen an exciting new direction for BTS: given the unique nature of our society, we are perfectly placed to bring together experts in a myriad of fields – allowing us to formulate high-level guidelines for specialty-specific areas of trauma, easily accessible to those on the ground when they need it most. As a linked society to European Society of Trauma & Emergency Surgery (ESTES), we are also increasingly collaborating with our European partners to develop these avenues further, which is an exciting prospect!

By joining BTS, you will be part of something stimulating, meaningful and influential. We welcome everyone – Together we’re stronger…Be part of improving what we do today, and shaping how we do things tomorrow – join BTS now!

Interactive Education Resources

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Discounted Conference Rates

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Vote and have your say

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Eligibility to apply for Grants

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Join the Executive Committee

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Networking Opportunities

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Do you have something interesting to promote?

We support and promote relevant announcements, research and events. If you would like to arrange a joint event or see your article appear on our website, please contact us to consider your request.